Ultima VII The black gate and The Serpent Isle

Releasedate: 1992-1993
Publisher: © Origin Systems Inc.
Music by: arranged and composed Dana Glover (Marc Schaefgen, Raymond Benson, Kathleen Jones, Herman Miller, David Watson, Kirk Winterrowd)
Quality: High quality 5 OGG (nominal rate 160)
The original Ultima 7 engine is based on the voodoo engine and used its own music system in John Liles Extended Midi-format "XMI". Composed for Adlib and Roland LAPC-1 / MT32 it is hard to get this game running today with the correct sounds. The guysy of the Exult project did quite a good job to make it work in these troubled modern times. All following tracks are recordings using a Roland LAPC-1 on a 486 with a Soundblaster Audigy as recording device (48khz). This soundtrack is 100 percent of what Origin meant the music to sound like. The titles on Origin Soundtracks Series sound exactly the same as these versions do. It is the full soundscore of all ingame music in order of appearance.
Please notice:
Orignal quote from "Dor Lomin":
"Some of the music in Ultima VII was very 'quiet'. Meaning, it was not meant to intrude on the player's experience and was therefore played at a very low volume. Unfortunately, rather than adjust the volume of each track via software within the game, they apparently altered the original music files so as to be more quiet. Unfortunately, increasing the volume level artificially during the recording process introduced atrifacts and 'hiss'. For this reason, I decided to present them as they are. All are enjoyable. However, some may be more quiet than others and a few of the most quiet ones may exhibit a bit of "hiss" behind the music."
I normalized the music on a unique level while trying to keep the "hiss" at minimum (I think I did a good job). Playing a soundtrack cd should be at a constant volume without too noisy or silent tracks. The Ultima 7 soundtrack is almost 80 minutes, therefor you have to burn it without 2 seconds gaps. If you encounter some cracks in the tracks 22 - 26 you´ll have to burn at lower speed (16x). Some tracks have been shortened for soundtrack reasons (too long, boring or annying) (Guardian intro, Beecave, Cave,...).
- 01 - Bootup
- 02 - Guardian intro
- 03 - Introduction
- 04 - Stonecircle
- 05 - Theme
- 06 - Fellowship theme
- 07 - Dead bodies
- 08 - Rule Britannia
- 09 - Marketplace
- 10 - Fanfare of courage
- 11 - Passion play
- 12 - Fanfare of Lord British
- 13 - Kilrathi
- 14 - Stones
- 15 - Shrines compilation
- 16 - Love a virtue
- 17 - The beauty
- 18 - Love theme
- 19 - Chamber Music
- 20 - The wisps
- 21 - Magic tricks
- 22 - Musicbox
- 23 - Xylophone
- 24 - Lute
- 25 - Harp
- 26 - Harpischord
- 27 - Seedy bar
- 28 - Sea shanty
- 29 - Camping
- 30 - Wilderness
- 31 - Emp Theme
- 32 - Beecave
- 33 - Cave
- 34 - Fortune teller
- 35 - Ghosts
- 36 - Torture
- 37 - Dragonïs flight
- 38 - Orchester II
- 39 - Danger
- 40 - Hidden danger
- 41 - Combat
- 42 - Fanfare
- 43 - Orchester I
- 44 - Retreat
- 45 - Flight
- 46 - Fight's End
- 47 - Victory
- 48 - Outro
- 49 - Arrival of the Guardian
- 50 - Serpent Isle Introduction
- 51 - Monks theme
- 52 - The Ophidian scroll
- 53 - The dark path
- 54 - Serpent theme
- 55 - Gwani theme
- 56 - Conversation with Gwenno
- 57 - Batlin's theme
- 58 - Bane's theme
- 59 - Wall of lights
- 60 - Dupre's sacrifice
- 61 - Ghost
- 62 - Ophidian war
- 63 - Endgame
- 64 - Credits
- 65 - Quotes
Downloadlist for GETRIGHT.
OGGdecoder for Windows. Decoderfilelist. Simply put these two files in the directory containing the music and start the batch file to convert the ogg-files to burnable wave-files.
If you do not know where to start, try 64 - Credits or 56 - Conversation with Gwenno, but they are almost all fantastic.Cover
Covers are based on the covers and ingame screenshots of Ulitma 7. Original Artwork by Denis Loubet.