Ultima VIII Pagan

Releasedate: 1994
Publisher: © Origin Systems Inc.
Music by: arranged and composed Neno Vugrinec
Quality: 160 kBits/s mp3 and 128 kBits/s
The soundtrack of Ultima VIII was composed in General Midi. Neno Vugrinec did an excellent job on composing a dark and mystic musical score, which could only be enjoyed with an good midi soundcard. For those of you playing Ultima VIII without a Roland Sound Canvas or Terratec Wavetable I can only give the advice to buy youself one of these. The Roland Sound Canvas can be bought for almost 50 Euros at Ebay. Playing this game without it with emulated soundscore is not worth the thougt.
The Ultima VII soundtrack was meant to be played with a Roland Sound Canvas 55 (as heard on the Origin Audio Volume 3). But in my opinion some instruments sound a little bit more smooth on the Terratec Wave System Professional 4 MByte Wavetable-ROM. I let you choose between these two. Decide for youself
Music: Roland Sound Canvas 55
The music was played on a Roland Sound Canvas 55 in General Midi with a Creative Soundblaster Audigy as recording device.
- 01 - Introduction
- 02 - Falling down
- 03 - Pagan Theme
- 04 - The docks
- 05 - The Execution
- 06 - The Snare
- 07 - Chopping
- 08 - Tenebrae
- 09 - Reef
- 10 - East Road
- 11 - Cemetary
- 12 - Death
- 13 - Spells
- 14 - Catacombs
- 15 - Combat
- 16 - Fanfare
- 17 - Running
- 18 - Rest in piece Avatar
- 19 - The Path of Earth
- 20 - Lithos
- 21 - The dead city
- 22 - Shrine of the Ancient Ones
- 23 - Zealans
- 24 - The Path of Air
- 25 - Stratos
- 26 - The Path of Water
- 27 - Hydros
- 28 - The Path of Fire
- 29 - Pyros
- 30 - Ethereal Plane
- 31 - Endgame
- 32 - Quotes
Downloadlist for GETRIGHT.
OGGdecoder for Windows. Decoderfilelist. Simply put these two files in the directory containing the music and start the batch file to convert the ogg-files to burnable wave-files.
If you do not know where to start, try 31 - Endgame or 30 - Ethereal Plane, but they are all fantastic.
Music: Terratec Wave System Professional 4 MByte Wavetable-ROM
My first recording was played on a Terratec Wave System Professional 4 MByte Wavetable-ROM in General Midi on a Pentium 166. A Creative Soundblaster AWE 64 Gold was used as recording device. This soundtrack is almost what Origin meant the music to sound like. The medley on Origin Audio CD Volume 3 sounds exactly the same as these versions do. The soundscore is all ingame music in order of appearance.
- 01 - Introduction and falling down
- 02 - The docks
- 03 - The Execution and snare
- 04 - Tenebrae
- 05 - North of Tenebrae
- 06 - East of Tenebrae
- 07 - Cemetary
- 08 - Catacombs
- 09 - Battle Medley
- 10 - Hall of the Mountain King
- 11 - Tomb of Moriens
- 12 - Shrine of the Ancient Ones and Zealan Theme
- 13 - Argentrock Isle
- 14 - Titan of Air
- 15 - Carthax Lake
- 16 - Titan of Water
- 17 - The liberation of Hydros
- 18 - Daemon's Crag and Pyros
- 19 - Ethereal Plane
- 20 - Endgame Theme
- 21 - Rest in piece Avatar
- 22 - Pagan Theme and Credits
- 23 - Quotes
Downloadlist for GETRIGHT.
OGGdecoder for Windows. Decoderfilelist. Simply put these two files in the directory containing the music and start the batch file to convert the ogg-files to burnable wave-files.
If you do not know where to start, try 22 - Pagan Theme and Credits or 19 - Ethereal Plane, but they are all fantastic.
Covers are based on the covers and ingame screenshots of Ulitma 8. Original Artwork by Denis Loubet.